PlayRx provides Speech, Occupational, and Physical therapy conveniently at 25+ Partnered Daycare, Schools, Afterschool Programs in Sherwood, North Little Rock, and Maumelle, AR. We also provide these services at our Outpatient clinic located at 9850 Brockington Rd in Sherwood, AR.
For daycare point of services, therapy is delivered conveniently while your child attends daycare! No outpatient appointments! Just drop your child off at daycare and we will take care of the rest while providing you a direct line of contact with your child's therapist(s), weekly updates on progress, and weekly Play Prescriptions (therapy homework, only WAY more fun than real homework.)
Clinic Point of Service is provided by appointment at our State of the Art 4000sq ft clinic that boasts:
An 1100sq ft Sensory Motor Gym with a climbing wall, swing rig, monkey bars, jacob’s ladder, trampolines, and a climbing loft with stairs, slide, and a ramp.
A controlled stimulation sensory room
8 private treatment spaces
A mini gym and shared play space for our friends too little to safely access the Sensory Motor Gym